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sKyes pa rabs kyi gleṅ gźi (Jātakanidāna): English translation

Gaffney, Sean (2019) sKyes pa rabs kyi gleṅ gźi (Jātakanidāna): Prologue to the Birth Stories: an English translation of a critical edition based on six editions of the Tibetan bKa' 'gyur. Indica et Buddhica Jātakanidāna, vol. II. Oxford: Indica et Buddhica.

The English translation is based on the text of the Tibetan critical edition, and provides a fully annotated translation of that text. The translation and its annotations allow for an exhaustive comparison with the Pāli original text, and for making references to any sections, or sentences, that do not agree in both versions. This translation is intended to supplement the critical edition, by indicating in the footnotes those parts of the text that vary from the Pāli original. It provides a view of a version of the text as it was transmitted in the fourteenth century from Pāli into Tibetan. It has significant philological importance for the study of the Tibetan translation and transmission process encountered in the later spread of Buddhism to Tibet. The translation also provides annotations to the text that show in detail any discrepancies or irregularities that were found between the phrasing or wording of the Tibetan and Pāli texts. A good deal of information is included in the footnotes that was not justified in the critical edition, but which has relevance for understanding the translation.

Hardcover – ISBN 978-0-473-50259-1
8.5 x 11 in, Case Laminate, 348pp.
US$209.00 · £157.00 (UK) · €187.00 · $329.00 (NZ)

Softcover – ISBN 978-0-473-50258-4
8.5 x 11 in, Perfect Bound, 348pp.
US$167.00 · £127.00 (UK) · €149.00 · $249.00 (NZ)

Global distribution –​ Indica et Buddhica Distributors