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sKyes pa rabs kyi gleṅ gźi (Jātakanidāna): a critical edition

Gaffney, Sean (2018) sKyes pa rabs kyi gleṅ gźi (Jātakanidāna): a critical edition based on six editions of the Tibetan bKa' 'gyur. Indica et Buddhica Jātakanidāna, vol. I. Oxford: Indica et Buddhica.

The Tibetan text of the sKyes pa rabs kyi gleṅ gźi (Jātakanidāna) provides an example of the translation work of the later period in the history of the transmission of Indian texts into the Tibetan by Ñi ma rgyal mtshan, a teacher of Bu ston, and one of the renowned Tibetan translators of his era. It is unique in being the longest single Pāli work translated into Tibetan, consisting of canonical verses and later commentarial prose. The work is of interest on a number of levels, historical, philological and doctrinal. The critical edition of the sKyes pa rabs kyi gleṅ gźi is based on six Tibetan editions and divides the text into its constituent parts. The primary purpose of this work is to provide a full description of the Tibetan translations of the text with all variant readings given in the critical apparatus. In addition to this the critical apparatus records various omissions, additions, variations and variant orthographies encountered in the Tibetan, as well as giving the Pāli forms of proper names occurring in the Tibetan translation of the text. There are also eight appendices providing information on the many verses contained in the text, a list of omissions and additions from the Pāli text, and a list of other works by the Tibetan translator.


Tropper, Kurt (2022) Sean Gaffney / sKyes pa rabs kyi gleṅ gźi. Jātakanidāna. A critical edition based on six editions of the Tibetan bKa' 'gyur. Jātakanidāna vol. 1. Oxford, New Zealand: Indica et Buddhica, 2018. liv + 269p. €159 (ISBN 978-0-473-44461-7 [Hardcover] / 978-0-473-44462-4 [PDF]). Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 2022 58 (2019/21), 252–6.

Hardcover – ISBN 978-0-473-44461-7
8.5 x 11 in, Case Laminate, 328pp.
US$209.00 · £157.00 (UK) · €187.00 · $329.00 (NZ)

Softcover –​ ISBN 978-0-473-45007-6
8.5 x 11 in, Perfect Bound, 328pp.
US$167.00 · £127.00 (UK) · €149.00 · $249.00 (NZ)

Global distribution –​ Indica et Buddhica Distributors